Join the Conversation

The stories featured through the Reframes project are just the beginning of an effort to get our campus talking and sharing the moments of challenge we all face at some point or another.

Whether the obstacle is big or small, it’s through being vulnerable that we will strengthen our community and reframe what it means to manage the unexpected.

Reframes Portrait Gallery

Visit the Portrait Gallery

Located throughout the Student Center on the Atlanta and Oxford campuses, the Reframes portrait series highlights faculty, staff, and alumni’s advice to students from the reexamination of past hurdles.

Share your Reframes Story

Share Your Reframes Advice

Stop by Asbury Circle at Wonderful Wednesday to share your Reframes story and words of encouragement for others.

– February 21
– April 17

Reframes: Dinner & Dialogue

Reframes: Dinner & Dialogue

Join faculty and staff from the Reframes project for a meal and dynamic, small-group conversations about how we each encounter life’s unexpected moments and how we can meet those challenges. Connect with new friends over good food and conversation as you explore how to reframe hurdles in your past and future.

– March 26 (Atlanta campus)
– April 3 (Oxford campus)
– April  18 (Atlanta campus)